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Distressed Tile Coasters

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What does "distressed tile" mean?

It means that you're not some perfectionist. You can see the beauty in the rugged side of life. You know that the finer things can be rough around the edges. And you want all those things to be represented in your coaster. ...or you’re just not picky about slightly chipped corners, rough edges or tiny holes in your coaster stone and want 25% off. 

These distressed tiles bring to mind stone, earthiness and nature. No perfectly straight lines to distract from the art on your coaster. Dips, scratches and divots add a sense of depth and texture to your coaster. They give off a feeling of timelessness, like fine rustic antiques.

This is the perfect compromise for someone who feels that paper coasters aren’t permanent enough and that premium tile coasters are too pricey and austintatious.

If you really want the straightest of edges, the sharpest of corners and the flattest, smoothest surface where your art is printed, then distressed tiles aren’t for you. Distressed tiles have more character that, and they’re cheaper too.

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