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Custom Design Services

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Have a Great Beer or Wine Label Idea, but Need Help Creating it?

Not all of us have the time or training to create great artwork, but all of us are creative. If you need help creating a custom label let us know and we will put our designer to work for you. Here is how it works.

STEP1: You jump on a call with our designer and tell us about your project, what you are thinking and provide any inspiration images that help you communicate your vision. You learn a little about the designer and their skill, and the designer makes sure your project is something they can be successful at.

STEP2: You pay $200 through the GrogTag site and the designer starts.

STEP3: The designer presents the first proof of your new label, and you give him feedback. You are allowed 2 rounds of changes for the $200, each additional round of changes past that will cost $50. Once the label is done, you receive .jpgs ready to be uploaded to the site and ordered.

It's important to note that copyright for the designs produced under this program remain the property of the artists who produced them, so you will be able to use them for your recreation homebrew but not for anything commercial. If you'd like to own the copyright to the labels, let us know and we can negotiate terms.

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