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Vintage Filigree by Beth Schneider

Vintage Filigree Square Set 3.5"x4" Main
From $16.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Square Set Landscape 4"x3.5" Main
From $16.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Oval Set 3.5"x4" Main
From $16.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Basic 2.5"x3.5"
From $14.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Basic Landscape 3.5"x2.5"
From $14.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Fullwrap 7.375"x3.125"
From $19.95 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Volo 3"x4.25"
From $14.00 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Volo Landscape 4.25"x3"
From $14.00 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Wine Labels 3"x3.57" Main
From $17.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Wine Labels 3"x3.57" Main
From $17.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Bottle Cap
From $15.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Coaster, Single Sided 3.75" x 3.75"
From $15.98 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Coaster, Double Sided 3.75" x 3.75"
From $18.00 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Mini Portrait 1"x3"
From $15.00 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Hangtag 2.25"x7"
From $18.00 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Keg Label 6.7"x 5.75"
From $14.00 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Metal Sign 11.5"x13"
$14.95 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Metal Sign Landscape 13"x11.5"
$14.95 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Metal Sign 11.5"
From $18.95 (USD)

Vintage Filigree Tasting Mat 17"x11"
From $14.00 (USD)

Are you looking for a label for your homebrew that gives off a specific impression, but you’re not a designer or you don’t have the time to design your own label? That’s why we designed a bunch for you!

Maybe you want it to look clean and classic. Maybe you want it artistic and intricate. Maybe you want it to be serious, because you take your homebrew seriously. Maybe you want it to be humorous, because your homebrew is for fun. Maybe you want your homebrew to celebrate something specific like a holiday or a wedding. Maybe you want to your homebrew to be general purpose, perfect for any old day at any old time.

Whatever you’re looking for, we have a design for you. Our many design suites feature everything from Santa Claus to Dracula, busty beer-maidens to mermaids, urinating statues to unicorns.

And each of our many designs feature multiple products, more than just labels. There are also coasters, bottle caps, keg labels and brewery signs! So have a look at our designs, you’ll find something you like.

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