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Warning Labels

Warning labels for use on Growlers up to 64 fluid ounces.

This 3″ x 1″ static Mini sized label is rated for up to 64oz. Most standard Growlers are 64oz and most mini-Growlers (or Growlettes) are 32oz. If you are labeling a larger bottle than 64 oz you will need a larger label.

Three label options.

Warning labels on Paper.

The paper is a more permanent solution. The paper is slightly textured and has wet strength so it will hold up to condensation.

Warning labels on Vinyl.

The vinyl is our standard re-positional vinyl. These may not completely comply with regulations which require the label to be of a difficult to remove.

Warning labels on permanent Vinyl Labels.

These are more durable, permanent vinyl labels that will hold up for several uses. Not meant to be removed without some elbow grease.

By providing this label we are not liable for your product or you staying on the right side of the law. For more information on warning label regulations visit the TTB site at
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