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St. Paddy's Day Pot O' Gold Scavenger Hunt | 2023

This St. Patrick's Day, we are hiding our very own pot of gold for you to find - but you don't have to wait for a rainbow to show you the way!

Reaching across the water to the Land of Saints and Scholars, we enlisted some help in writing our own limerick. A guide to help you, our faithful GrogTaggers, find whatever may be hidden in our lucky pot of gold.

Decipher the riddle, find the treasure, and create something magical this St. Paddy's Day!


I’d like to extend you this offer,

A $10 off code I would proffer,

You’ll use it and see,

It feels practically free,

(Or at least it won’t empty your coffer).

There once was a man in a hood,

He clearly was up to no good,

The cloistered, man of the cloth,

Gives you $10 off

If he could use it himself he would.

Now hear the rest of the riddle

The meanings only hidden a little,

If you think of it right,

Then it hides in plain sight,

Or at least somewhere in the middle.

If you really can’t figure it out,

And you’re so hoping mad you could shout,

If one more hint would be fine,

The hint is, “It’s in a design”

“That’s somewhere in the front page layout.”

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